Out For Sport Training Events Report Back

With funding from London Sport we ran three training events for member clubs

Womens training event

First Workshop

Recruiting Women to your Team

Monday 4th December 18:30 to 21:30 at House of Sport

With Heather Smith from Women in Sport

19 people registered to attend and 11 made it to the event.

Women In Sport did a great presentation which was well received.

Matt Hill presented about the Hockey Women and how they managed to recruit for their teams. We had interesting discussions.

We did a quick survey monkey afterwards to ask for feedback most questions getting 5 out of 5. Below are some quotes from the survey.

“More than useful I would have called it encouraging, as to continue further, and reassuring, as in knowing that one is moving forwards in the right direction”

“Hugely useful. I left with lots of ideas and wouldn’t have done so if it wasn’t for the informative presentation.”

“The session was informative and insightful, and it was great to hear experiences from other clubs and discuss openly as a group potential issues.”

Second Workshop

Marketing your Club

Wednesday, 24 January 2018 from 18:30 to 21:30

At London First offices | 4th Floor, Middlesex House | Cleveland St | W1T 4JE London

With Svend Elkjaer Director of Sports Marketing Network

14 people registered and again 11 people attended

The presentation was interesting, if perhaps a bit too long for us. The discussion section was very lively with some good ideas about getting your club noticed. Thames Dragons revealed themselves to have some top ideas, ideas such as a special Breast Cancer awareness event – as paddling is very good for recovery from surgery.

Third Workshop

Income Generation for your club

Monday 26th March 2018 from 18:30 to 21:30

At House of Sport.

With Xander Beck a consultant on finance and funding

18 people registered and 14 people attended

Xander’s presentation, which ran through how to decide what money you need and then where to look for funding sources was very interesting and people asked a lot of questions.

Kings Cross Steelers did a presentation on how they had fundraised in the past and this was also well received and lead into a general discussion about raising money.

We plan to carry on and run more training events in the future which might cover topics such as Data protection and Good Governance. Bringing the clubs together to learn about good practice, debate issues and learn from other similar clubs is a excellent way to develop relationships between the clubs.

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