Out for Sport Awards: Celebrating LGBTQ+ Sport

Out for Sport Awards 2024

The Out For Sport Awards is an evening dedicated to celebrating the remarkable achievements and contributions of LGBTQ+ sports clubs, teams and individuals. We invite all member clubs to submit their nominations for the various award categories listed below. It’s free to enter, and you can submit as many nominations as you like.


Submit your nominations >>>

Important Dates

  • Deadline for nomination entries: Wednesday 21st August 2024
  • Shortlist announcement: Thursday 19th September 2024
  • Awards evening: Friday 15th November 2024 (Venue TBC)

Why enter the Out For Sport Awards?

Entering the Out For Sport Awards is your chance to be recognised for the incredible work and achievements within the LGBTQ+ sports community. Winning an award will boost your club’s profile, attract new members and sponsors and showcase your commitment to inclusivity. Nominate your club and acknowledge unsung heroes to motivate and recognise their efforts this year. Don’t miss this inspiring opportunity, Submit your nominations now and be part of an unforgettable celebration of talent, diversity and achievement.


Entries now open >>>

Club Award Category

Club of the Year

This award honours an established club that has demonstrated an exceptional year of dedication, support and outstanding achievements. Regardless of size, this award celebrates a club that has gone above and beyond to make a significant impact on its members and the wider community. Entries should exemplify excellence in leadership, community involvement, and member support. Note: You cannot enter Club of the Year and Emerging Club of the Year.

Emerging Club of the Year

This award recognises a club that is under three years old and has made remarkable strides in its development. This award celebrates the hard work and dedication required to build a new club from the ground up, honouring those who have shown innovation, passion, and significant progress. Entries should demonstrate impressive achievements and a solid foundation for future success. Note: You cannot enter Club of the Year and Emerging Club of the Year.

Most Inclusive Club

This award is for a club that has fully embraced and integrated the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion into its everyday operations. This award recognises clubs that have successfully created a welcoming and supportive environment, attracting and retaining a diverse and happy membership base. Entries should exemplify best practices in promoting inclusivity and fostering a sense of belonging.

Tournament / Competition of the Year

For the club that has organised and executed an outstanding tournament or competition. This award recognises events that have left a lasting impression on participants and the community, highlighting exceptional planning, engagement and success. Entries should highlight the unique aspects of their event and its positive impact.

Most Charitable Club *New Award*

This new award honours the club that has shown exceptional dedication to charitable work throughout the year. This award acknowledges clubs that have made significant contributions through fundraising efforts, community service projects and partnerships with local organisations. Entries should demonstrate a strong commitment to philanthropy and the betterment of society, showcasing how sports can be a powerful vehicle for positive change and community support.


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Team Award Category

Team of the Year

This award honours a sports team within your club that has achieved exceptional sporting success while embodying the spirit and values of their club. This award recognises a team that sets a leading example in their sport, demonstrating outstanding performance, teamwork, and dedication. Entries should display team achievements both on and off the field. 


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Individual Award Category

Outstanding Sporting Achievement for an Individual

This award celebrates an individual from your club who has achieved remarkable success within the past year. This award recognises individuals who have excelled in a sporting event, demonstrated significant improvement, overcome challenges, or inspired others through their dedication and support. Entries should exemplify excellence and resilience in their athletic pursuits. 

Newcomer of the Year *New Award*

This award celebrates someone new to the club, whether as a volunteer or club member, who has quickly become an invaluable part of the team. This award honours individuals who have shown exceptional dedication, enthusiasm and a positive attitude to make a significant impact on their club in a brief time. Entries should highlight their contributions and commitment to the club’s values and goals.

Club Spirit

This award honours an individual who is the embodiment of their club’s values and spirit. This award recognises an unsung hero who consistently makes a significant difference, whether through leadership, support or dedication. Entries should highlight the individual’s contributions and their impact on the club’s success and community. 

Ivan Bussens Lifetime Achievement

In memory of Ivan Bussens (Out For Sport co-founder), this award recognises individuals who have gone above and beyond to create environments in which LGBTQ+ sport can thrive. This award may also acknowledge the memory or legacy of individuals who are no longer part of an OFS member club but their impact continues to inspire and shape the sporting community. Entries should exemplify the same charm, vision, and passion that Ivan Bussens embodied, pushing boundaries and making a lasting impact on the world of LGBTQ+ sports.


Submit nominations now >>>

Be A Game Changer

Let’s come together to celebrate the passion, dedication and accomplishments within our LGBTQ+ sporting community. For any questions or clarifications, please email the OFS Awards team.

For venue or sponsorship opportunities, or to discuss how you can support the Out For Sport Awards, please contact our fundraising team via email. Your support will play a crucial role in making the Out For Sport Awards an even greater success, furthering our collective mission.

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