Welcome to London 2025: Our bid to host the EuroGames®

Today we are delighted to unveil Out for Sport’s detailed plans to host the EuroGames in London in 2025, with the publication of our Bid Book.

After the upheavals of Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic, Out for Sport’s clubs are keener than ever to show that London is a European city; that London is everyone’s city; and that we are more committed than ever to ramping up the levels of inclusion and diversity in LGBTQ+ sport.

We think that the best legacy of the EuroGames is one that contributes to further growth in the LGBTQ+ international sports movement. So our ambition is that a London Games will see participants go home walking taller than before and feeling empowered, to help others stand up and take part too.

We want to leverage London’s world-class facilities, large LGBTQ+ community and business infrastructure to energise and inspire participants to want to keep growing LGBTQ+ sport in their home communities.

So please take a look through our plans, and let us know what you think via our social media accounts:

Or by emailing london.eurogames@gmail.com

We will be presenting our plans to the members of the EGLSF on Saturday 19th March 2022, where it will be voted on alongside the other 2025 candidate city, Lyon.

Wish us luck!

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