From an awards ceremony on August 23rd at G-A-Y late, awards were presented by Joanie Evans Co-President of the Federation of Gay Games

Which TEAM was the ‘Monster Team’? (and why)
Winner: Out to Swim
For winning swimming top team with twice as many points as the second placeteam, by having Waterpolo, Synchro and Open Water teams and for being a great mix of ages and genders, by great team spirit, by being frankly fabulous.
Special mentions:
- Team LGBT+ We finally someone looked like a united group!
Which TEAM was the most eye catching? (and why)
Winner: UKSSDC & Pink Dancers (Dancesport)
For their amazing costumes; beautifully creative outfits with floats, sequins, diamanté, tassels & all! Pink Dancers in the Showdance competition – 1950s Parisienne – were fantastic.
Special mentions:
- London Orca & London Otters Who got plenty of votes from thirsty gays on account of their kits.
- London Frontrunners: For their rainbow Tri suits
Which TEAM was the most supportive? (and why)
Winner: London Otters Rowing Club
Loudly cheered on every other teams’ boat. They also supported organisers before and after the competition to rig boats and de-rig boats that were supplied by the organisation.
Special mentions:
- Village Manchester football club Adopting a stray athlete under their wing for the games
- Ishigaki ju jitsu For supporting colleagues from all over the world
- Out Play Squash team Small but solid
Which INDIVIDUAL gave the most outstanding performance? (and why)
- Andrew Benson Swimmer who won 8 golds from 8 individual and relay events
- Elizabeth Bellinger Swimmer who competed in the women’s 40-45 age group and SMASHED a number of IGLA records. Her 100m butterfly was truly exceptional. She swam it in 1min 6 seconds which is RAPID by any standards.
- James Wilson Winning gold in rowing and gold in squash.
Special mentions:
- Handidance couple Paula And Gary
- Luke Busby Taking home 3 golds and a bronze in the rowing
Which INDIVIDUAL achieved the most impressive personal best? or completed the most impressive personal journey? (and why)
Winner: Graham Ashwell:
Dancesport; he ran the 10k, then danced winning 3 golds & Bronze, then ran his first marathon raising over £1200 for charities
Special mentions:
- Donna Donovan Won silver and bronze. Both her hockey matches went down to shuffles to decide and she saved all but one
- Brian Hicks Entered as many ju jitsu events as he could and volunteered to become a judge for the first time. He came home with a silver medal which he is so proud of at 58 years old
Which INDIVIDUAL gave the prettiest performance?
(Interpret that as you will!)
Winner: Alan from Jujitsu (can’t find a surname)
In ju jitsu when he revealed his pink sequinned gui top performing a martial arts kata to
‘this is me’ the whole venue exploded and cheered.
Special mentions:
- Michal Litke & Mariusz Staniewiez Dancesport: Became Vice World Champions in Ballroom, standard dance in a stunning blue outfit with peacock decoration, peacock feather bowties & diamanté on their shoes.
- Alessandro Tridico For his graceful fencing (I think)
- Dan Westley Such a Graceful Hockey player for a bigger guy!
Who deserves the Ivan Bussens Award for slogging their guts out behind the scenes? (and why)
Winner: Peter Meager

For all his work with Out for Sport, and working with the organisers of the Dancesport event & being compere for the four long days of competition and keeping his cool.
Special mentions:
- Christophe Donot For Out To Swim- he organised almost everything- accomodation, accreditation collection, directed the winning Pink Flamingo performance and even competed in individual/relay events with a fractured rib- dedication!
- Alex Jones of LORC for organising and managing the trip for nearly 80 LORC members.
- Ollie James-Parr Arranged transport, accommodation, meals, a cool box for everyone from the Titans; utter legend
Which individual OR team made the most notable cultural faux pas? (and why)
Winner: London Royals
For their derelict fancy dress, which left very little to the imagination and drew gasps of horror and admirations from passing Parisiens and tourists on the Left Bank.
Which UK participant/team was the star of the most ridiculous photo?
Winner: Alex Carington Triathlon. For choosing the most photogenic moment to fall off his bike during dismount

Special mentions:
- Penny Johnson Dancesport: ‘lippy’ – 48 degrees, in full outfit, makeup & ice towel; trying to keep cool & look good!
- Mitch Stride From Royals Hockey wearing a lovely long blue dress
- Christophe and OTS Team After winning the Pink Flamingo. And it was far far far more wonderful and fabulous than “Ridiculous”