Tackling Homophobia in Sport

As part of Stonewall Season, 4Pride invite you to Tackling Homophobia in Sport – an evening of discussion with our panel including:

  • Jordan Jarrett Bryan, C4 News Sports Reporter
  • Kate Richardson-Walsh, Team GB Olympic Gold Medallist
  • Amal Fashanu, Campaigner & niece of Justin Fashanu
  • Ryan Atkin, FA Referee
  • Lou Englefield, Football v Homophobia
  • More TBA

We’ll be exploring questions such as: Why does homophobia seem more prevelant in sport than in other areas? How do we tackle homophobia? Who’s job is it to drive this change?

Doors: 18.00

Panel and Q&A: 18.45 – 19.45

Drinks: 19.45 – 20.45

Tickets: £6 (£5 + VAT) (£2 from each ticket will be donated to Stonewall’s Rainbow Laces campaign)

Admission will be strictly to ticket holders only


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